Case Studies

As a family run property mangement agency in Hull, we specialise in managing Houses in Multiple Occupation, or HMO properties. This distinguishes us from many other lettings agencies that handle standard property lettings, preferring to avoid the complexities of evolving legislation. In contrast, our experience equips us to navigate these challenges effectively. We are dedicated to creating an ideal living environment for tenants who wish to rent a property from us.

Below are some of our case studies. See how we upgraded the investment properties and how we improved both ROI and property value.

2 The Poplars, Hinderwell Street, Hull

Original value: £155000
Original gross rent: £13800
Cost of works: £58600
New value: £272000
New rents: £27360

1 The Poplars, Hinderwell St, Hull

Original value: £135000
Original gross rent: £16900
Cost of works: £42500
New value: £225000
New rents: £29380

114 Park Grove, Hull

Original value: £135000
Original gross rent: £15600
Cost of works: £38500
New value: £250000
New rents: £30940

77 Goddard Avenue, Hull

Original value: £85000
Original gross rent: £5400
Cost of works: £22100
New value: £120000
New rents: £14600

60 Lambert Street, Hull

Original value: £145000
Original gross rent: £8700
Cost of works: £47500
New value: £250000
New rents: £30492